
2023 – 2024

In this series, I delve into a thought-provoking exploration of our collective priorities. Often unwittingly, we participate in the felling of our invaluable trees—cornerstones of our fragile ecosystem, indispensable for our very existence. Their sacrifice gives birth to transient containers, utilised only fleetingly before being relegated to oblivion. These boxes, a mere veneer for our impulse-driven online acquisitions, come at the cost of forests, pristine water sources, and precious energy reserves.

This body of work encourages us to scrutinise our consumption patterns, as we surrender ourselves to the allure of mindless online retail therapy. Our ceaseless pursuit of “precious” possessions exacerbates the toll on nature, culminating in a cycle of acquisition and abandonment. A cycle that perseveres until the inevitable moment when the very resource that fueled our habits—the Amazon boxes—finally dwindles to

As you immerse yourself in the “Dreams and Reality” series, reflect upon the stark contrast between our aspirations and the tangible consequences of our actions. May this collection kindle a spark of awareness, prompting us to reevaluate the narrative we contribute to and encouraging us to nurture a harmonious coexistence with the environment.

Sweet Vengeance, ring #1
Sweet Vengeance, ring #2
Sweet Vengeance, ring #3
Sweet Vengeance, ring #4
Sweet Vengeance, ring #5
Sweet Vengeance, ring #6
Sweet Vengeance, ring #7
Sweet Vengeance, ring #8